Cysgu Olrhain Gwyliwch Smart Ffôn iOS


Cysgu Olrhain Gwyliwch Smart Ffôn iOS

Manylion deunydd pacio: 1. Cynnyrch:14*9.5*4.5cm
2. Pwysau'r cynnyrch: 35g
3.47.5*55*30cm 100pcs/ctn
Darparu manylion: Gludo 25 diwrnod ar ôl y taliad

$13.80 $12.80

SKU: OKC312 Categori:
  • Disgrifiad
  • Adolygiadau(0)
  • Q & A


Maint y cynnyrch 59*17.8*13.2mm
Watchband material TPU
Watchband length 140mm-195mm
Packing dimension 141*96*46mm
Pwysau device N.W:26g,G.W:131g(with package)
Hardware Parameter
CPU A8107,V4.0BLE
Arddangos 0.84 inch OLED (resolution 96×16)
Acceleration 3-axis G-sensor
Batri 60ma Lithium-ion polymer rechargeable battery
Motor Built-in,remind with vibration
Charge 5V USB jack,charge by PC USB
Water-proof level IP67
Using time about 20days
Amser standby about 90days
System Parameter
Compatibility support phones android based and IOS
OS requirement android 4.3 and above,
IOS 7.0 and above,with BT 4.0
Data Sync data synchronization to mobil app
Data storage storage 365 diwrnod’ sports data
Mode of operation key,power on/off,reset


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